
by Modest and Furious

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Four poems by four women with tragic destinies, Sylvia Plath, Alda Merini, Alejandra Pizarnik and Marina Tsvetaeva, are encoded into Quick Response (QR) codes and seamlessly embedded within a frame of nonsense QR codes in order to render a still life. In the ancient Greek myth of Persephone returning to her mother Demeter from the underworld, pomegranates symbolise her coming back to life and yet still imbued with death, a feeling that haunted the lives of all four Poets. Pears symbolize fragility, femininity and immortality, attributes that characterize their work. A delicate butterfly stands on the edge of the bowl as a symbol of the human soul. A chameleon seems to vanish into the shade referencing to the hidden content of the painting.
Try and find all poems by scanning the painting with your cell phone!

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The Galloping Hour: French Poems - Alejandra Pizarnik - Je Joue un air d'amour aux cordes de cristal

Depending on your mobile phone you may need a dedicated app in order to successfully scan these QRs: Scandit, QR Code, QRbot, QR Reader are just some examples.